Long Covid, so the virus triggers the (wrong) immune response to the heart cells

The human body is really fascinating. It hides in the labyrinth of its secrets very efficient systems for recognizing the “self” or the body’s own cells. Thanks to them, the defense mechanisms against these cells cannot be overridden. But sometimes it happens that a disturbance changes this balance. And the problems of autoimmune diseases can […]

Covid, WHO: Eris variant widespread. A few more data on Pirola

Eris (EG.5) is now the world’s predominant Covid variant: in fact, it reached 26.1% of total infections in the week of August 7-13, overtaking Arturo (22.7% in the same week) and becoming the most spread worldwide. “Unclassified” for the time being Pirola (BA.2.86), the heavily mutated newcomer for which there are still too few deposited […]

More than a million young people aged between 11 and 25 are at risk of alcohol abuse in Italy

How common is alcohol consumption among the very young in Italy? The issue is currently at the center of the debate sparked by recent news events and violent episodes among teenagers, which alcohol has played a part in reconstructing. The numbers of underage alcohol consumption The goal is a regular snapshot of young people’s relationship […]

return stress? Five tips for restarting in the right mood

September is coming, we’re back from vacation and bad weather reminds us that summer’s ease is coming to an end, but don’t panic, Marie Antoinette GulinoPresident of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany, reveals the rules to be adopted to overcome the problem Against stress. 1. Gradually For Gulino there is no doubt that “the […]

Heart failure, anti-obesity drugs improve symptoms

Moving becomes a business. Out of breath, every exertion becomes almost unbearable, the ankles swell. And the quality of life deteriorates. For those suffering from heart failure obtained ejection fraction (the ejection fraction is an indicator of heart function) or more or less every second patient with chronic heart disease, even the fight against obesity […]

Paralyzed woman speaks again through a digital avatar

A woman paralyzed by a stroke speaks again through a digital avatar that reproduces her voice and even her facial expressions: credit goes to a new brain-computer interface that, for the first time, manages to translate brain activity signals into words and phrases to generate faster and faster communication to enable more natural communication. The […]

Miraculous Eye Drops On The Internet, But Ophthalmologists Rise: ‘Without Scientific Evidence’

We must always keep our eyes open in order not to succumb to the deceptions of fake news. Speaking of eyes, these were the last to be targeted. In fact, false information is circulating on the Internet these hours about the involvement of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IABP) in the development […]

Killed by Taser. Because we forget people and their pain

The dramatic news of the 35-year-old with mental health problems, who died at a center in Chieti province after being tasered and then, according to the news, sedated. It will be the investigation launched with the homicide hypothesis that will clarify the many doubts about the dynamics of the tragic episode. But in the meantime, […]

The taser is not harmless, it can be dangerous and even deadly

“Contrary to popular belief, the taser is not harmless and can cause injury. To the point of sudden death.” The dangers are to be denounced Maurice Santomauro, national president of Giec, the scientific society “Cardiovascular Emergencies Intervention Group”. The stun gun is the source of a controversy that continues to produce conflicting sentiments and opinions. […]