September is coming, we’re back from vacation and bad weather reminds us that summer’s ease is coming to an end, but don’t panic, Marie Antoinette GulinoPresident of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany, reveals the rules to be adopted to overcome the problem Against stress.

1. Gradually

For Gulino there is no doubt that “the solution must be gradual”. So don’t rush headlong into work and commitments, and don’t go from a state of relaxation and calm to a state of hectic, “the important thing is – in fact – a gradual return to work and everyday life.” that you are driving a car: First you put the car in first gear, then second, third and so on without running.” And like cars, we too have to start over in small steps, explains the psychologist.

2. Find your strength back

It seems paradoxical to have to rest after returning from vacation, but we’ve all experienced it before. How many times have we said to ourselves that we needed a vacation to recover from the vacation that just ended. “Post-holiday stress manifests itself in tiredness, lack of concentration, irritability and insomnia,” confirms the psychologist, adding: “For many, the high summer temperatures have spoiled the rest and relaxation we needed. So we have to use the next one.” Weekends try to compensate for breaks by paying attention to night rest. Let’s reduce the use of televisions, tablets and smartphones, which often force us to stay indoors and over-concentrate, and keep them away from us for at least an hour before going to bed, dedicating ourselves to reading a book , a magazine, helping the mind-body system to gently relax.

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3. Take your time

“The return to ‘normality’ should not exclude the possibility of still creating outdoor spaces for walks or physical activity – recalls Gulino. We don’t have to wait months for the next holidays and we find space and time for activities and activities. Hobbies that we like and that bring us joy: a walk with friends, a cinema, a day out of town for example.”

4. Watch your diet

Maria Antonietta Gulino also remembers how “it is important to eat right and be physically active”.

5. Give yourself more time in the sun

“On vacation, at the beach or in the mountains, the body has become accustomed to sunlight and the artificial light in the office or at home can cause stress. The transition from summer lightness to the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be psychologically damaging.” So let’s take a few breaks in the fresh air, even just a few minutes or the entire lunch break, to stretch your legs, reactivate your circulation and to calm the mind. The best way to gradually change the body.”

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published by the health department