We must always keep our eyes open in order not to succumb to the deceptions of fake news. Speaking of eyes, these were the last to be targeted. In fact, false information is circulating on the Internet these hours about the involvement of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IABP) in the development of eye drops that could be used to cure the main eye diseases, even disabling ones.

The Iapb’s response

In a press release published on its website, the agency takes sides against this eye drop – whose name is Vitavisin – and “denounces the instrumental use of its name and its institutional role in validating a commercial product and accrediting its capabilities by Iapb Italia”. does not participate in drug development studies, much less promote the use of drugs and treatments to treat eye diseases, as it is detached from its role as a promoter and propagator of eye health.”

The IAPB is also considering taking “appropriate legal action” to distance the product from “impossible therapeutic activity” and “to avoid that its involvement could mislead users into justifying the purchase of commercial products to treat eye diseases.”

Beware of magic bullets

On the manufacturer’s website, the elusive doctor Matteo Bianchi, accompanied by a photo that a quick web search turned out to be an archive image, explains that “the formula combines a high content of microelements, plant extracts and vitamins” and that with only two capsules per Day “can the development of age-related eye diseases be counteracted”.

The Miracle of Regained Sight

Even more amazing are the comments of users who claim to have used the product: “I was almost blind, but I managed to restore 99% of my eyes without surgery!” explains a certain Osvaldo Danto, and also “I have the I completed a full course of treatment and my vision improved by one diopter,” says Donatella from Turin.

The outrage of the experts

“Without any scientific evidence and without any plausible value, even if only hypothetical”, endorse the Italian Society of Ophthalmology (Siso) and the Italian Association of Ophthalmologists (Aimo) the Iapb. They denounce the “obvious purpose of undue profit” of the drug, which aims to cure eye diseases, including disabling diseases, “to protect the visual health of Italian citizens”.

The invitation of the associations

“We urge users to report any abuses to us and always check the news at source, always doubting miraculous therapeutic or pharmacological options that are not backed by scientific research, the source of which must always be cited, by which the Methods can be verified.”, funds used and the results obtained, as well as the names of the investigators, their medical specialties and affiliations,” the IAPB press release reads. Siso and Aimo also warn Italian patients to “use only official channels for eye disease treatment and beware of miraculous therapies and communications online that are not backed by scientific evidence and contact their family doctor, outpatient specialists or to contact your doctor.” Reference ophthalmologist”.

Air conditioning, sun, fans – that’s why they damage the eyes

by Viola Rita