Geriatri: 4 anziani su 10 esclusi per l’età dalle cure migliori

Dopo l’appello degli scienziati italiani per la crisi del servizio sanitario pubblico sottofinanziato, i geriatri lanciano l’allarme sui bisogni di salute, soprattutto dei grandi anziani, su cui l’SSN non investe abbastanza risorse. Gli anziani sono considerati “troppo vecchi e costosi” per ricevere le cure più avanzate, da cui trarrebbero i maggiori benefici, e per essere […]

Climate Change: A dollar spent fighting climate change today saves $3 in healthcare costs in the future

To combat climate change and improve health, we know what to do and how, now we must act. An international team of researchers who have just published a list of the causes, effects and solutions to the climate problem remind us of this A surgery At Limits in science. This is the main article of […]

Photophobia and visual impairment: how to tell if it is dry eye syndrome?

“Dry eyes” occur when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears to lubricate them or when their quality is insufficient to keep the eye moist. This can be due to various factors such as aging, prolonged use of digital screens, certain types of medications, dry environmental conditions and problems with the meibon glands, which […]

Respiratory viruses, according to the experts: “600,000 cases are expected at Easter”. How to heal yourself

Spring is here, Easter is just around the corner, but the climate is not helping to make respiratory illnesses a memory. The warning from infectious disease specialists also arrives just in time for the Easter holidays and the cold weather that is affecting a good half of Italy (northern and central Italy). The professor starts […]

Covid, immune memory a protective shield against new variants

Vaccines have played a critical role in reducing morbidity and mortality caused by SARS-CoV-2. However, the emergence of new virus variants that can evade the antibody response raises questions about the long-term effectiveness of this strategy. The study was published in the renowned specialist journal natural immunology, opens new perspectives for understanding the immune response […]

Covid, during the pandemic life expectancy fell by 1.6 years

Covid-19 led to a 1.6-year decline in the average life expectancy of people around the world in the first two years of the pandemic, a more dramatic decline than previously thought, according to a study. According to hundreds of researchers who have examined data fromInstitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), based in the United […]

Aism, gardenias and hydrangeas for research on 5,000 places

A gardenia and a hydrangea, two flowers in harmony, symbols of a deep connection between women and multiple sclerosis. MS, a disease that affects women twice as often as men, comes into life between the ages of 20 and 30, a time full of big plans and dreams. For this reason Aism with Welcome back […]

What to do if my child doesn’t want to go to school? The neuropsychiatrist’s answer

“A child or young person who refuses to go to school should not be judged. We try to respond to the difficulties he or she is having. That doesn’t necessarily mean supporting him,” says Stefano Vicari, head of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry at the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, hospital pediatrician Bambino Gesù from […]

School fear: where it comes from, how to recognize it and overcome it

Fear of school is a growing phenomenon; between 5 and 28% of children and young people suffer from it. It creates anxiety and fear that affects not only class attendance and performance, but also overall well-being and health. “It is increasing, like many mental disorders in developmental age, we have been observing this increase for […]