Does speaking multiple languages ​​reduce the risk of dementia?

It has now been proven that a low level of education is a risk factor for the development of various forms of dementia. The problem is related to the concept of cognitive reserve, which is the ability of the brain to adapt and continue to function at full capacity despite age-related physiological changes. And according […]

How do you age healthily? Answer from Roberto Bernabei

There is no magic pill to achieve a long and healthy life, but we can draw some clues from studies of centenarians in the Blue Zones. From the sea to physical activity (not the kind you do in the gym): Italia Longeva President Roberto Bernabei explains what it’s all about Interview by Aureliano StingiFilming and […]

The psychiatrist Andreoli: “The dictatorship of money makes you unhappy and sick”

Money cannot respond to the dynamics of the needs of the body and mind. When it leaves its dimension as an instrument, it creates confusion and egocentrism. It enables survival, but also power. It can lead to true addictive disorders when it becomes the ultimate end from a means and determines the individual’s present and […]

“Differently capable and therefore differently happy”: Federico De Rosa talks about his autism

“If my abilities are different, I can be happy differently,” Federico De Rosa wrote to his parents when, around the age of 14, he discovered writing on the computer as a means of communicating with the outside world and creating It is clear what he thought and felt. Federico, who is now 30 years old, […]

The “Global Health” master’s degree program is coming, the “One Health Analyst” is born

In recent years, the pandemic emergency, the socio-political challenges of climate change and the biodiversity crisis have created the need for a new conception of the relationship between people and the planet. This concept was underlined and defined by the name by the United Nations in 2022 One health, that is, an integrated system for […]

ADHD increases the risk of depression and other mental disorders

A risk factor is a condition or behavior that increases the likelihood of developing a disease or other condition or behavior that is harmful to your health. It now turns out that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a risk factor for depression, anorexia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and even suicidal behavior. To support this thesis, two […]