School fear: where it comes from, how to recognize it and overcome it

Fear of school is a growing phenomenon; between 5 and 28% of children and young people suffer from it. It creates anxiety and fear that affects not only class attendance and performance, but also overall well-being and health. “It is increasing, like many mental disorders in developmental age, we have been observing this increase for […]

Stock markets today, March 6: Egypt increases interest rates, investments for Acea amounting to 7.6 billion

MILAN – Mixed indices in the West and a positive session in Asia, with investors focused on the Economic Party Congress in China after growth targets were set at a 5% benchmark. China has made progress in its economic restructuring process and will “soon further optimize the changes,” he said Zheng Shanjie, head of the […]

From Amato to Zevi, 120 signatures for the manifesto appeal “From October 7th to Peace” promoted by the Left for Israel.

Out of Giuliano Amato To Giulio Napolitano, out of Luciano Violante To Tobia Zevi. There are over 120 signatories to the manifesto “From October 7th to Peace” promoted by the organization. Left for Israel on the crisis in the Middle East and “open to those who believe in a solution based on the rights of […]

Lazio, the cycle is at the end. Sarri can leave early, Lotito likes Palladino

MUNICH – Lazio understands that they are not yet a team at international level. “To become one, we would have to play in the Champions League every year,” notes Cataldi, but the Biancocelesti, after becoming the first Italian team to emerge from it, risk not being in Europe next year either: the Champions Cup has […]

Affari&Finanza, Live 40 anni. La diretta dell’evento alla Bocconi di Milano. Donnet (Generali): “Il governo riscriva il Ddl Capitali”

“Con Affari&Finanza volevamo esserci. Arrivammo noi e nacque un nuovo modo di raccontare l’economia”. Sono le parole di Eugenio Scalfari a incorniciare l’evento A&F Live 40 anni, all’Università Bocconi di Milano: il racconto dei quarant’anni del settimanale economico di Repubblica e una riflessione con i principali esponenti del mondo economico e finanziario (i protagonisti) su […]

“Bruno Astorre, with us forever”: the commemoration in Frascati one year after his death

“Bruno Astorre, with us forever,” says the Dem plaque dedicated to Bruno Astorre. Today the PD community gathered in Frascati Parish to remember the Senator who died a year ago. Together with Astorre’s wife and mayor of Frascati, Francesca Sbardella, the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, the group leaders Francesco Boccia and Chiara […]

De Laurentiis, attack against Dazn: “Napoli on TV only on Sky and Rai”

There is a film that portrays the President of Naples, Aurelio De Laurentiisrails against what he believes are the cameras of the only broadcaster that broadcasts all of the games A league. “Dazn has no right to take us back. So go away… Go away… Go away…”. A very powerful attack, broadcast on CBS, which […]

The boomerang of the tractor revolt against the Green Deal: This is how the protest turns into a big Tafazzi march

Following the news, it escapes like that Tractor riot often has different motivations from country to country. In fact, from time to time this or that rule imposed by Brussels is targeted: the limitation of pesticides and not the proportion of uncultivated land or something else. But not all together. Justified or not, these attacks […]