Out of Giuliano Amato To Giulio Napolitano, out of Luciano Violante To Tobia Zevi. There are over 120 signatories to the manifesto “From October 7th to Peace” promoted by the organization. Left for Israel on the crisis in the Middle East and “open to those who believe in a solution based on the rights of both peoples and their coexistence,” says the press release. “The Hamas massacre on October 7th and the dramatic consequences of the Israeli military operation on the Palestinian population – the manifesto states – have set in motion a spiral that must be stopped immediately by a ceasefire agreement allowing the release of all Israeli hostages. “and the distribution of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population in Gaza in safe conditions.”

A hundred days of pain

by Carlo Bonini (editorial coordination), Sami al-Ajrami, Francesca Borri, Francesca Caferri, Gabriella Colarusso, Gianluca Di Feo, Enrico Franceschini, Paolo Mastrolilli, Daniele Raineri, Rossella Tercatin, Fabio Tonacci. Multimedia coordination Laura Pertici. Production Gedi Visual

The 120 signatories emphasize: “No one should forget that Israel has been a democracy since its birth, based on liberal and progressive values, in a region strongly characterized by autocratic regimes.” The continuous and extraordinary mobilizations of Israeli society also bear witness of a robust and deeply rooted democratic culture. As in all democracies, the judgment of the State of Israel must not coincide with that of its current government. The most drastic judgment on the politics of Netanyahu – continues the manifesto – it cannot in any way lead to denying the right to exist of the State of Israel, nor to holding Jews living in all parts of the world responsible for it. Only knowledge of Israel’s roots can put a stop to the anti-Zionist and anti-Israel prejudices that prevail in Italian society, even in the left and progressive camp, and which manifest themselves in old and new forms of delegitimization, hostility, if not outright anti-Israel -Semitism.”

“The massacre of October 7th – emphasize the supporters of the text, which has so far collected 120 signatures – did not come out of nowhere: it is part of the strategy of Hamas, which has rejected any form and compromise since its founding statute.” Prospect of peace , pursuing the extermination of the State of Israel and preaching the killing of Jews. However, Hamas does not represent the entire Palestinian people. All the more, the search for a peace solution must be pursued with determination.” Then we read: “In order to get the peace process back on track, credible leadership is required: a renewed Palestinian leadership of the PNA that overcomes the ambiguities that have led to the failure of the peace process contributed to the Oslo Accords; and a new Israeli leadership that believes in the coexistence of two states for the two peoples, while the policies pursued by the Netanyahu government are incompatible with peace solutions.”

The signatories of the manifesto therefore conclude: “We affirm as inalienable Israel’s right to exist, recognized by its neighbors, and to live safely within its borders.” A right that goes hand in hand with the right of the Palestinian people to live in their own independent state . Two equally legitimate rights live on this land. The goal of “two peoples, two states”, the mutual recognition of two causes, is still our horizon and the solution to strive for. This is our commitment to peace, today and always.”

Here are the over 120 signatories of the “From October 7th to Peace” manifesto: Alessandro Alfieri, Giuliano Amato, Alessio Aringoli, Corrado Augias, Franco Bassanini, Luciano Belli Paci, Marco Bentivogli, Enzo Bianco, Pierluigi Castagnetti, Stefano Ceccanti, Vannino Chiti, Furio Colombo, Paola Concia, Piero Fassino, Valeria Fedeli, Emanuele Fiano, Giovanni Maria Flick, Anna Foa, Stefano Folli, Andrea Graziosi, Stefano Jesurum, Linda Lanzillotta, Fabio Levi, Elena Loewenthal, Victor Magiar, Claudia Mancina, Aurelio Mancuso, Enzo Maraio, Giacomo Marramao, Claudio Martelli, Virginio Merola, Gennaro Migliore, Daniele Nahum , Giulio Napolitano, Dario Nardella, Riccardo Nencini, Fabio Nicolucci, Gabriele Nissim, Simone Oggionni, Pina Picierno, Lia Quartapelle, Fausto Raciti, Mario Raffaelli, Umberto Ranieri, Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Romano, Michele Salvati, Ivan Scalfarotto, Irene Tinagli, Francesco Verducci, Walter Verini, Luciano Violante, Tobia Zevi.