“Just call it a broad field,” the secretary of the Bolognina Democratic Party wrote to Schlein

After the regional elections in Abruzzo, the definition of the “wide field” has prevailed to indicate the size of the center-left forces capable of opposing the government team. While Carlo Calenda even says in a radio debate: “I’m fed up,” there are those in Bologna who write to secretary Elly Schlein with pen and paper. […]

D’Aversa, four-game ban for head-butting Henry

The sports judge Gerardo Mastrandrea was disqualified for 4 days (with a fine of 10,000 euros) Roberto D’Aversathe Lecce coach – dismissed yesterday by the Puglian club – who on Sunday was the protagonist of a headbutt against Verona’s striker Thomas Henry at the end of the championship match at the Via del Mare stadium, […]

Aism, gardenias and hydrangeas for research on 5,000 places

A gardenia and a hydrangea, two flowers in harmony, symbols of a deep connection between women and multiple sclerosis. MS, a disease that affects women twice as often as men, comes into life between the ages of 20 and 30, a time full of big plans and dreams. For this reason Aism with Welcome back […]

After a record run of positive results, markets are being tested by US inflation

MILAN – The assessment of the distance to the first cut in the cost of money by the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank remains the bellwether in this phase of financial markets. Colombe ECB, focus on wages After last Thursday’s ECB meeting, at which price estimates were cut, some European governors have clearly […]

Inter, the numbers prove their dominance: Inzaghi has three points more than he scored in the entire last championship

BOLOGNA – After just 28 days Inter has exceeded by three points the 72-point lead with which the last championship was concluded. In training she surpassed herself with ten races to go. In terms of goals scored, Inzaghi’s team is already at 70. At the end of the last championship they had scored 71, enough […]

What to do if my child doesn’t want to go to school? The neuropsychiatrist’s answer

“A child or young person who refuses to go to school should not be judged. We try to respond to the difficulties he or she is having. That doesn’t necessarily mean supporting him,” says Stefano Vicari, head of child and adolescent neuropsychiatry at the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, hospital pediatrician Bambino Gesù from […]

In the elections in Abruzzo, Marsilio follows the D’Amico model

PESCARA – No national big names. To end the election campaign in Abruzzo, both the right and the left are focusing on the governors of other regions. Real or perceived models of “good governance”, but a local version. After a parade of ministers – the last one is Gennaro Sangiulianothat you see this afternoon Marcus […]

Sainz has to undergo appendicitis and is replaced by Bearman

Appendicitis: This was the cause of the high fever and discomfort he was feeling Carlos Sainz. The Ferrari driver needs to undergo surgery and will miss the third weekend and the rest of the weekend in Jeddah. He will be replaced at the wheel of the SF 24 by the Englishman from Maranello Oliver Bearman19 […]