There is a film that portrays the President of Naples, Aurelio De Laurentiisrails against what he believes are the cameras of the only broadcaster that broadcasts all of the games A league. “Dazn has no right to take us back. So go away… Go away… Go away…”. A very powerful attack, broadcast on CBS, which owns the TV rights to Serie A for the United States. However, this is not the only outburst against television.

De Laurentiis vs. Dazn

It was the arrival at the Maradona Stadium before Napoli-Juventus. At the end of the game, the Napoli president banned his members from speaking to them Dazn. Then he explains: “We are done with Dazn. From now on we will only speak to Sky and Rai. And in fact, neither coach Calzona nor the players appeared in front of the streaming TV cameras.

De Laurentiis: “Napoli on TV only on Sky and Rai”

De Laurentiis would be angry at Dazn for choosing certain times related to scheduling a Napoli game. That’s it, nothing else. But De Laurentiis He was also the most ardent supporter of the party, which did not want to transfer Serie A rights to Dazn for the next five years: he would have wanted the development of a league channel through which the games could be sold independently to the public. convinced that one could benefit more from it. Last season alone, Napoli earned around 80 million euros from television – and therefore largely from Dazn – the highest income the club has ever achieved with championship rights.