A gardenia and a hydrangea, two flowers in harmony, symbols of a deep connection between women and multiple sclerosis. MS, a disease that affects women twice as often as men, comes into life between the ages of 20 and 30, a time full of big plans and dreams. For this reason Aism with Welcome back Gardensia brings her two flowers to Italian squares for International Women’s Day. The event, promoted by Aism and held under the patronage of the President of the Republic, invites everyone to participate by choosing a gardenia, a hydrangea or both. A gesture that goes beyond the beauty of flowers and supports scientific research, the only weapon available today to combat multiple sclerosis and related diseases.

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by Mara Magistroni

Aism gardenias and hydrangeas in 5,000 squares

On Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th March, 14,000 volunteers will celebrate the value of in around 5,000 places gardenia and the fight against MS. An invitation to “donate and spread hope for a future beyond the disease that includes not only those affected but the entire family.” It is already possible to reserve your gardenia and hydrangea plants for a minimum donation of 15 euros each by contacting the provincial department of your city, the list of which can be consulted http://www.aism.it/gardensia.

“The funds collected from the squares will be used to ensure and strengthen services for people with multiple sclerosis and to support scientific research also on related pathologies,” explains the association. “Thanks to advances in scientific research, there are therapies and treatments capable of slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis. Research has made great strides in the last 20 years to ensure very effective treatments that have transformed the impact on the quality of daily life. However, the causes of the disease are still unknown and research is essential to find the definitive cure.

Chiara FrancineI, Aism ambassador and face of the Gardensia campaign, share a special connection with the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association, born from the memory of her grandfather Quirino, who suffers from a degenerative disease. Gardenia, dedicated to women, has a deep meaning for them: gardenia and hydrangea become symbols of female solidarity and represent the connection between women most affected by multiple sclerosis. He joins her Antonella FerrariGodmother of AISM, who highlights the importance of “flourishing together”, a concept that is also reflected in the daily activities of Aism, where people support each other every day to overcome multiple sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis: The first trials with Car-T therapies begin

by Tiziana Moriconi


There is also a solidarity number to donate: 45512, which allows you to collect other funds for research and in particular for the project “Promopro-Ms Digital Edition” promoted by Fism, the Aism Foundation, to assess disease progression and predict its progression. The people involved participate in the research by monitoring the perception of their health status via an app and contributing to the personalization of therapeutic treatments.

The algorithm was developed by a team of researchers led by Giampaolo Brichetto, Coordinator of Fism Rehabilitation Research and Medical Director of the Rehabilitation Service Aism Liguria. The donation amounts with the solidarity number 45512 are 5 or 10 euros for a call from the landlines of Tim, Vodafone, WindTre, Fastweb, Tiscali and Geny, 5 euros for a call from the landlines of Twt, Convergenze and PosteMobile and 2 euros for SMS the private network mobile phones from WindTre, Tim, Vodafone, Iliad, PosteMobile, CoopVoce and Tiscali.

Here you can find out who has joined the initiative

Aism, together with its Foundation (Fism), is the only organization in Italy that has been committed to multiple sclerosis for over 55 years, leading, supporting and promoting scientific research to expand knowledge about multiple sclerosis and people’s needs contributes to suffering by promoting services and treatments necessary for a better quality of life and enforcing their rights.

To the initiative Welcome back Gardensia Assaeroporti, the Italian association of airport operators, has joined, along with the airports of Bari, Brindisi, Foggia and Taranto, Bergamo, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania and Comiso, Crotone, Lamezia Terme and Reggio Calabria, Cuneo, Florence and Pisa. Forlì, Genoa, Milan Linate and Milan Malpensa, Naples and Salerno, Olbia, Palermo, Turin and Trapani, as well as Aeroporti 2030, the Italian association representing the airport managers of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino, Venice, Verona, Treviso and Brescia.

Multiple sclerosis slows progression and improves cognitive function

by Dario Rubino

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

But what is multiple sclerosis? Chronic, unpredictable and debilitating, multiple sclerosis is one of the most serious diseases of the central nervous system. It often leads to disabilities, even serious ones. 50% of people affected by the disease are young, not yet 40 years old. Women are particularly affected, twice as often as men.

Multiple sclerosis is the most common cause of neurological disability in young adults following trauma. In Italy there are 140,000 people diagnosed: 3,600 new cases per year, 1 every 3 hours. The cause and definitive cure have not yet been found, but thanks to advances in scientific research, there are therapies and treatments that can slow its progression and improve patients’ quality of life. For this reason, Aism said, it is “essential to support scientific research.” Pathologies associated with multiple sclerosis include neuromyelitis optica (Nmo), which has similar health and social care needs and interventions to MS. There are 1,500 to 2,000 cases of neuromyelitis optica in Italy.