They start taking precautions. There is already talk of the minutes available for each of the two challengers, the times for the reply and the possibility of a final message. The television duel between the two heads of state and government, who will most likely run in the European elections, is taking shape. Especially the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein began studying videos of the prime minister Giorgia Meloni, between press conferences, participation in conversations, interviews and various debates. Preparations for the pre-election supershow in which the two Italian politicians will compete against each other have begun well in advance, considering that the most recognized date at the moment is April.

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The Fratelli d’Italia leader’s spin doctors work there at the headquarters on Via della Scrofa. Colleagues and opponents of the Dem Front are at work in the Nazarene Palace. Political and geopolitical conflict. But his stage is not Rome. It is the airwaves, with all its infinite consequences in the world of social media, and that is the concern of those working on Schlein and Meloni’s performance.

The event is one of those that will go down in history: the first woman prime minister and the first secretary of the Democratic Party compared themselves in a television studio with the upcoming European elections and the need for both to take a snapshot within their own coalition and convince the undecided . The pool of journalists willing to lead the debate has shrunk over time. Availability was reported by all major television networks: 56% of Italians, according to the pollster Alessandra Ghislerihe would be glued to the television, after all he speaks to everyone.

But he is on pole Bruno Vespa. The first, he claimed, contacted both of them “a second after Elly Schlein suggested the TV discussion to Giorgia Meloni.” Confirmation also comes from the top of Rai: “Who will moderate the TV duel?” Vespa, who else,” says the CEO Roberto Sergio. So if Meloni and Schlein chose public television and the Prime Minister made RAI a condition, there would be no room for other programs. Monica Maggioni with his “In Mezz’ora” on Rai 3, he would take a step back in favor of the flagship network.

Many people ran the race hoping to be the predestined ones. As he says Bianca Berlinguer, which with its study on “Prima di Tomorrow” on Rete 4 had suggested: “Every Italian journalist would like to moderate the debate between Meloni and Schlein, it is a very important event, it has not happened for years that two leaders, A prime minister and the other leader of the largest opposition party face each other on television. It would also be nice to see Meloni and Conte or Conte and Schlein. However, Mediaset is not involved; this would rather be the condition set by the Democratic secretary. While La7 is still in the race Enrico Mentanawhich in 1994 led to the historic confrontation between Silvio Berlusconi And Achille Occhietto, and now he would be ready to interview the two leaders. When? The most likely date is April, far from the first two regional elections in Sardinia and Abruzzo, but not too close to the European elections.