Santanchè, mid-August propaganda from the pool: “The government is working to make public holidays accessible to everyone”

In summer Daniela Santanché A chapter by Ferragosto could not be missing. The tourism minister is under attack from the opposition, who are calling for her resignation, and is under constant scrutiny over the Visibilia case. She finds a way to give herself the ultimate spotlight during the holiday season. And his colleague in government […]

Minimum wage, collection of online signatures for the appeals proposal

The collection of online signatures for the opposition’s unified proposal on the minimum wage is underway. The website was launched at noon but failed due to too much traffic in the early afternoon and then returned to work in the evening. “We are trying to fix the problem, we apologize,” opposition sources said. “If […]

Minimum wage, at the summit in Palazzo Chigi Meloni needs time: “We have 60 days, involve the social partners.” Schlein: “He has no clear ideas, no suggestions”

ROME – The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni The issue of the minimum wage is taking time, bringing up the National Council for Business and Labor headed by the former minister Renato Brunetta: “He will have 60 days to prepare a proposal and also to involve the social partners.” This is the novelty at the table […]

Liguria, right, there is a dispute about the tax on extra profits. Toti against FDI and Lega: “A Marxist maneuver”

“Can I . . . tell about it? The extra-profit maneuver is Marxist stuff.” This isn’t the first time John Toti He finds himself targeting the ruling majority parties, particularly the Brothers of Italy and the League, but this round the distant confrontation between the parties appears to be more than a skirmish. On the […]

Minimum wage, Meloni opens up for dialogue: Friday is a possible date for a meeting with the opposition

ROME – The meeting at Palazzo Chigi on the minimum wage is expected to take place on Friday. The oppositions have cast the die: they will – and it would be the first time – come together without defectors to debate with the prime minister if invited. Charles Calendaannounced the action leader, who launched the […]

Politicians on social media, Zaia’s boom outpaces the big names in government (thanks to Bolle’s video at the Verona Arena)

Luca Zaia The ranking of the most social Italian politicians is increasing and in the month of July it is growing faster than the big names in government in terms of interactions and video messages compiled by Sensemakers for “Primaonline”. However, the ranking of the top 15 does not see any changes, with Salvini, Meloni, […]

Climate, appeal by Mattarella and 5 Mediterranean Heads of State: “We have run out of time, we must act now”

ROME – The climate crisis has reached “explosive proportions”. “There is no more time to waste.” This was written in a note from the Quirinale by six heads of state from as many countries of the Arraiolos group, including Sergio Mattarella. Presidents quote UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who spoke of a “state of global boiling” […]

Marta Fascina and the dedication to Berlusconi on Whatsapp: “My love, it would take wings to reach you”

After days of long absence Martha Fascina breaks the silence However, no politics. The companion of Silvio Berlusconi Dedicate a WhatsApp status to the leader who died on June 12. “To reach you it would take wings, for you, my love, are very high up, in a blue sky, where there is peace and love, […]

“They take away our income without giving us jobs.” In the Bari suburbs, Meloni was cheered

CHEAT — The sentence falls at seven o’clock in the evening, when the sun has set and the wind has become the protagonist of the scene: light but pleasant. Mauro, 45 years old, spends twenty minutes explaining his frustration at the message from the INPS, which informed him that he could no longer receive the […]

The summer camps of the baby patriots of the Melonian right

They say they were inspired by the education of young Spartans and in fact called them “Agogé”, after the education and training system to which in ancient Greece, in the famous capital of Laconia, every citizen who had just turned seven years old was subjected . Discipline, obedience, group loyalty, exercises and strength tests. In […]