The collection of online signatures for the opposition’s unified proposal on the minimum wage is underway. The website was launched at noon but failed due to too much traffic in the early afternoon and then returned to work in the evening. “We are trying to fix the problem, we apologize,” opposition sources said.

“If you agree that a minimum wage should be set in Italy, sign it!” the Pd and the secretary’s Instagram account said Elly Schlein. “After months of fighting inside and outside Parliament, we went to a confrontation with the government to defend and explain our minimum wage proposal, but the right is holding back, taking its time and having no alternative proposal. Three and a half million workers are poor even when they work. You can’t wait.

Elly Schlein explained it republic After the first confrontation with the government, who would return to the Palazzo Chigi “if there is any news. There was none yesterday. In the meantime, we’re starting to collect signatures, including for unity celebrations. And as the opposition, we are preparing a website where we can also sign online.”

The online platform is launched

The online platform recalls that “the opposition forces (Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, Action, Movimento 5 stelle, Democratic Party, Più Europa) have signed a unified proposal that provides that no worker will be paid less than 9 euros per hour may receive.” per now, ignoring the thirteenth, fourteenth, severance pay, etc., which must be more.

The minimum wage “is a measure that has existed in all G7 countries for years,” writes on “X” (Twitter’s new name) Action, the party of Charles Calenda: “The only exception concerns Italy. It is time to reverse course and guarantee respect and dignity to working citizens. It is a civilizing principle enshrined in our constitution. We have submitted our proposal to the government.”

Also on social media the secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni writes: “Support fair wages and minimum wages with your signature.” Spokesman for Green Europe Angelo Bonelli: “We will make a big contribution to supporting some level of social justice and saying no to job insecurity and underpaid work.”

“Still in these hours,” writes the leader of the 5 Star Movement on Facebook Joseph Conte“Some government officials have voiced a clear move away from the statutory minimum wage. On Friday at Palazzo Chigi, after months of debates in Parliament, President Meloni made no counter-proposal: the inclusion of Brunetta’s CNEL, which had publicly opposed the measure in the past, was just a way to throw the ball in the stands while 3-6 Millions of workers continue to receive starvation wages.”

“We saw that the government only intends to postpone the funeral,” he says Riccardo Magi, secretary of Più Europe. “First the majority called for a suspension, then Giorgia Meloni pulled Cnel out of a hat as a weapon of mass distraction. It is important that the bill returns to classrooms in September for debate and voting. Meloni must not trample on democracy, he cannot ignore what the opposition is demanding, he cannot ignore the problem of bad work.”

Italia viva and the table in Palazzo Chigi

The unified legislative proposal of the oppositions, explains the announcement of the Democratic Party, “does two basic things and affects employees and the self-employed: 1. It strengthens collective bargaining because it enforces the total remuneration provided for in the collective agreement the most representative organizations by comparison: in this way pirate agreements are fought . 2. Set a threshold of 9 euros gross per hour as the minimum table, below which collective bargaining must not fall. Otherwise it’s not work, it’s exploitation. We need your support to get it through Parliament. It’s very simple, it’s instant, just sign the online petition on the website or at the banquets that we’ll be hosting in the squares and at the Festa dell’Unità!”

The table meeting in Palazzo Chigi “opened a comparative perspective to find a synthesis between the different solutions proposed on the minimum wage,” he says now Elena Bonetti of Italia viva reiterates that in an interview with Sole24Ore he reiterated that not sitting at the table created between the government and the opposition “would be a missed opportunity”. Second Hector Rosato, also a member of Matteo Renzi’s party, who did not attend the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, said: “It is clear that there is a gigantic problem in this country, which is low wages, and it was wise to put everyone around the table to find a solution.” Choice. Giorgia Meloni was right to convene the opposition.”

Lega: collect signatures to attract attention

According to the Northern League Gian Marco CentinaioVice President of the Senate, “The purpose of collecting signatures is to attract attention, not to improve workers’ wages. If the opposition thought they had a solution after their first meeting with the government, then they are either in a bad way.” Believe or not know how politics works. We are puzzled by their proposal for a minimum wage, but we have no blinders on and are ready for dialogue with political parties and social partners. In Italy – continues Centinaio – there are already many types of contracts and we can discuss starting from them and offering more protection and guarantees to those who have few or no. In our opinion, the most important way to increase wages remains by lowering the IRPEF to increase the gross wages of closer-to-the-grid companies that end up in workers’ pockets.

“In Italy, the problem is not low wages, but bad work, a consequence, as President Meloni said, of years of lack of growth,” emphasized the vice-president of the group “Brothers of Italy” on the news in the Senate. Salvatore Sallemi. “In doing so, thanks to the participation of Cnel, we will present a credible and non-ideological proposal such as the minimum wage, which, combined with the measures that we will introduce in the budget law, will make it possible to really help workers.” “.