Measles, new variant in Italy. Lopalco: “No fear for vaccinated people”

Measles cases are increasing in Europe and a new variant has now been identified in Italy that could evade diagnostic testing. The news comes from a study by researchers at the University of Milan and the Istituto Superiore di Sanit°, published in Eurosurveillance. The investigation shows that five cases of measles have been confirmed since […]

Today’s stock markets, February 19th. Chinese New Year, spending above expectations. Weak EU price lists

MILAN – Chinese consumption data for the Lunar New Year exceeded expectations and returned to pre-coronavirus levels. Around $87.9 billion was spent on entertainment, catering and travel, an increase of 47.3% on an annual basis and 7.7% compared to 2019, the last reference year before Covid-19. Caution from observers: “While we see some strength in […]

Von der Leyen is running again for the head of the EU Commission

Now it is official: Ursula von der Leyen He is running to remain at the head of the EU Commission. “I took office in 2019 because I firmly believe in Europe. For me, Europe is my home” and “today, five years later, I make the very conscious and well-considered decision to run for a second […]

Gattuso threatens to be fired in Marseille: “Team without a soul”

There is no official confirmation, but people in France are certain. The Marseilles he exonerated Rino Gattuso. The decision was made afterwards Last night’s defeat against Brest (1-0), won even though Marseille had played with the majority for the last half hour. “There is little to say – the words of the former Milan and […]

Vittorio Emanuele Parsi’s coma and near-death experiences

He could see himself in a crevasse, with “the Styx – one of the rivers of the underworld – beneath my feet. I remember seeing the roots of trees from below and hearing distant voices from time to time.” This is the story of awakening Vittorio Emanuele Parsithe political scientist and professor at the Catholic […]

Families’ financial wealth is rising: BTPs and stocks on the rise in 2023

MILAN – The current accounts are a little lighter, but the securities dossiers are richer in government bonds. It’s the photo taken by Fabiof the Italian Banking Union, which shows a growth in family financial assets in 2023, with a jump from 552 billion to 5,216 billion compared to pre-Covid figures in 2019. The decline […]

Lia Quartapelle after the attacks on the Russian embassy: “They threaten our democracy. No sign of solidarity from the majority.”

“It is not the first time that the Russian Embassy has tried to interfere in the activities of the Italian Parliament and I am afraid it will not be the last. “Unless all the country’s political forces – often unaware of the damage Putin has inflicted on the fundamental principles of freedom and justice – […]

Marta Bassino in front of Federica Brignone in Crans Montana

A Marta Bassino never appeared this season, one Federica Brignone something that hasn’t happened at this World Cup for a long time. Result: an Italian triumph in the Crans-Montana downhill, which the Piedmontese won in front of the Aosta Valley. A test of strength in the specialty in which he was a leader until his […]

How can I tell if my child is sick? The psychotherapist’s answer

“In order to understand the psychological stress and suffering of an adolescent, we must start from an assumption: children do not talk about their pain, not because they are afraid of adults, but because they are afraid of disappointing them,” says Matteo Lancini, Psychologist and psychotherapist and President of the Minotauro Foundation of Milan Filming […]