A Marta Bassino never appeared this season, one Federica Brignone something that hasn’t happened at this World Cup for a long time. Result: an Italian triumph in the Crans-Montana downhill, which the Piedmontese won in front of the Aosta Valley. A test of strength in the specialty in which he was a leader until his serious injury Sofia Goggia (without forgetting the other star Elena Curtoni, season is over for them too). Switzerland is third Lara Gut-Behramiwho achieved a series of four consecutive victories in three different disciplines and now pays homage to Italian women’s skiing: “You have a really strong team.” Another Italian is fifth with 1”24. Laura Pirovanowho was in the podium area for a long time and was then overtaken by the Bosnian in fourth place Elvedina Muzaferija, surprise of the day and best result ever for his nation. Eleventh is the new blue one Teresa Runggaldier.

Marta Bassino in Crans Montana

Bassino overcomes the crisis and the skiman change

For 27-year-old Marta Bassino it was a season of deep crisis, with the change of three skiers and the best result of three fifth places. But none of this was felt on the Mont-Lachaux slope, where the Cuneo woman returned to what she was last year in Meribel when she won the Super-G World Championship: first victory in this discipline, as well as her first Freestyle triumph arrived in Crans. Fast where you had to look for speed, ready to make giant turns with high intensity, aloof in a final in which he gave everyone two tenths or more. Including Federica Brignone, who, however, was the most brilliant of all her opponents: she immediately lost three tenths, but then grabbed valuable hundredths in the middle part of the route and came, if you can say so, close to those who take 0. 54 at the finish, one achievement ahead of Marta Bassino’s skis.

Sofia Goggia, the darkest hour. Bruises, cuts, stitches and a quote: “Mentally and physically difficult time”

by Mattia Chiusano

Bassino: “It wasn’t easy this year”

“I didn’t expect to win in the downhill. I had a good performance on Friday, but not so much that I thought I could win,” comments Marta Bassino. “It’s nice to be at the top again after a season without highlights.” Results. I’m glad I knew I could do well in the fast disciplines too. The Super-G, in which I won world gold, is basically similar to the giant slalom. I’ve always worked on being fluid, feeling the speed, I think this time I did everything right, even the difference in the last wall. It hasn’t been easy this year, but I always told myself to be patient, I saw this time as part of the process where everything would get back to normal.”

Federica Brignone back on track: “Loredana Bertè sent me, she said I was the rock woman of skiing”

by Mattia Chiusano

Brignone: “This time I didn’t throw the race away”

“I’m proud, happy, because at least today I didn’t throw the race away” Federica Brignone frees herself from a burden. “Maybe I’m still losing too much at the front but I’m making progress, I haven’t done a ‘capella’ like on Friday or in the last few races. Marta had a perfect race, she drove very well and I’m very happy for her, it’s a shame about Laura Pirovano, it would have been nice to have been on the podium with three riders. We like technical slopes, this harder snow was more responsive and we managed to make the difference straight away, beating a great Lara Gut. We have to thank our coaches who spend hours every afternoon watching the videos and looking for the points where we can be the fastest. In January it wasn’t that I skied badly, I felt great physically. But I got stuck, there was always something going on in my head. I didn’t express myself at the right time, namely during the race. Today I finally succeeded.