Miraculous Eye Drops On The Internet, But Ophthalmologists Rise: ‘Without Scientific Evidence’

We must always keep our eyes open in order not to succumb to the deceptions of fake news. Speaking of eyes, these were the last to be targeted. In fact, false information is circulating on the Internet these hours about the involvement of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IABP) in the development […]

The reports on the climate on the economy. The heat is drying up the Panama Canal: blueberries and oil are queuing, transport costs are rising

The Panama Canal is dry. It is still possible to cross it, but the drought in July, the hottest month on record, made it possible forced the basin authorities to reduce the number of vessels using it daily as the Atlantic-Pacific highway. The Central American country is one of the rainiest in the world and […]

Renzi: “Meloni is sleeping, the state accounting office will wake her up.” FI without Berlusconi disappears”

ROME – “In these months melons “The sleeping beauty has made it: it won’t be a kiss from Prince Charming that will wake her up, but an Excel spreadsheet from the accounting department,” predicts the former prime minister Matthew RenziPresident of Italia viva, officially announcing the name he has in mind for Europeans: “We will […]

Killed by Taser. Because we forget people and their pain

The dramatic news of the 35-year-old with mental health problems, who died at a center in Chieti province after being tasered and then, according to the news, sedated. It will be the investigation launched with the homicide hypothesis that will clarify the many doubts about the dynamics of the tragic episode. But in the meantime, […]

Rome’s 5G will speak Canadian. Boldyn Networks is crowding out the telecom giants

The Canadian Boldyn Networks, managed in Italy by Luca Lucianiwins the tender for 5g del Municipality of Rome. Despite the Vodafone, Wind, Tim and Iliad-sponsored appeal to the Tar and antitrust law, on August 2 the mayor Robert Gualtieri actually granted one project financingIt took 25 years to equip the capital’s 100 large squares with […]

Berlusconi puts pressure on Tajani. The disputes between the allies about European alliances excite Meloni

CEGLIE MESAPICA (BR) – Something broke. In the majority, at the heart of government. While Giorgia Meloni He rested in an Apulian farmhouse while sailing towards the coast of Albania. There are two deputy prime ministers engaged in an existential struggle in which the executive branch will likely end up being crushed. And there she […]

The taser is not harmless, it can be dangerous and even deadly

“Contrary to popular belief, the taser is not harmless and can cause injury. To the point of sudden death.” The dangers are to be denounced Maurice Santomauro, national president of Giec, the scientific society “Cardiovascular Emergencies Intervention Group”. The stun gun is the source of a controversy that continues to produce conflicting sentiments and opinions. […]

Pnrr, Piantedosi: “The projects of the municipalities are not funded.” Decaro: “We are concerned, no explanation from the government”

ROM – “Constructive climate”, but the Viminale has put a wall on all the demands of the Anci in the session on the projects canceled by the Pnrr. And although mayors take note of Minister Matteo Piantedosi’s firm assurances on the continuity and financial coverage of projects, which the government is committed to finding if […]