“They take away our income without giving us jobs.” In the Bari suburbs, Meloni was cheered

CHEAT — The sentence falls at seven o’clock in the evening, when the sun has set and the wind has become the protagonist of the scene: light but pleasant. Mauro, 45 years old, spends twenty minutes explaining his frustration at the message from the INPS, which informed him that he could no longer receive the […]

The summer camps of the baby patriots of the Melonian right

They say they were inspired by the education of young Spartans and in fact called them “Agogé”, after the education and training system to which in ancient Greece, in the famous capital of Laconia, every citizen who had just turned seven years old was subjected . Discipline, obedience, group loyalty, exercises and strength tests. In […]

Renzi signs three bills, including the prime ministerial bill

ROME — “I am a jukebox, I answer all questions, even in a debate with Minister Sangiuliano about a book, if the Minister has read it…”. AND Matteo Renzi-Show, pre-parliamentary holidays. The former prime minister and chairman of Italia viva deposits three bills signed at a press conference in Palazzo Madama in favor of television […]

Antitrust law: Controls are being carried out in the taxi trade for damages

ROME – The Cartel Office has launched a review measure in the taxi sector for critical questions found one Rome, Milan and Naples and who creates”Significant inefficiencies for users: from waiting times to using the taximeter, from accepting electronic payments to the correct functionality of the POS“. The Competition and Markets Authority states this in […]

Rdc, the Ministry: 159,000 families turn to employment offices. The regions: not informed about the functionality of the platform

Listen to the audio version of the article The 159,000 households with members of working age between 18 and 59 who have been informed of the suspension of the basic income can submit an application to the employment offices. Another 88,000 families”fragile”However, measures have already been introduced for the evaluation of social services. This is […]

Olympic Games Milan-Cortina, Meloni: “A great opportunity, impact of 4.5 billion on GDP”

“The Olympic Games is an event that involves all the players on the field, athletes, coaches, organizers, volunteers, institutions, territories, entrepreneurs, an event that affects all of Italy.” The Olympic Games are part of our memory and have shaped our identity. We are a nation that will host the Olympic Games for the fourth time […]

Mental health and prison, what the case of Luca Delfino teaches us

The history of Luca Delfino sentenced to almost 17 years in prison for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Antonella MultariAnd for a few days entered the Residence for Security Measures (REMS) of Genova Prà, arouses the interest of the mass media. This is even more true after the interview with his lawyer, who stated that […]

Antimicrobial resistance, WHO: Vaccines could save half a million lives a year

Vaccines save lives, not only by directly preventing life-threatening diseases, but also by curbing the potentially deadly phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. at what time? Thanks to vaccines, at least half a million deaths could be saved every year. There is one thing to appreciate learn Management by the WHO, the International Vaccine Institute, Korea and […]

In diabetes, the provision of some sort of insulin pen is at risk. AIFA Notice

The medicine Tresiba Flextouch 100 U/ml 5 pre-filled pens (aIC 042658029) is in short supply (interrupted supplies) due to a reduced production capacity of the owner. The makes known the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa). Tresiba, informed the European Medicines Agency (Ema) is a drug that contains the following Active substance insulin degludec and is used […]