The call “Stop the genocide” from Ghali The Ariston Theater in Sanremo becomes a case. “I think it is shameful that the festival stage was used to spread hatred and provocations in a superficial and irresponsible way,” the Israeli ambassador in Rome continued Alon Bar – In the October 7 massacre, over 360 young people were among the 1,200 victims who were murdered and raped during the Nova Music Festival. Another 40 of them were kidnapped and are still in the hands of terrorists. The Sanremo Festival could have shown solidarity with them. It’s a shame that didn’t happen.

After singing “Casa mia” and greeting his mother in the audience, the fourth-place rapper spoke to alien puppet Rich Cholino on the Ariston stage and then launched his appeal to the war in the Middle East: “Stop the genocide.” Politics is divided. Rai, for Forza Italia Senator, Maurizio Gasparri, must apologize and express solidarity with the people of Israel. It saddens me to read the “tweet” by the Israeli ambassador to Italy, Alon Bar, who strongly denounced the statements made by some singers at the festival. “I ‘flipped’ him.” Tweet’ to Rai top management. Today there are specials and insights: Rai – invited by Gasparri in an Agi podcast – can apologize and express his solidarity with the people of Israel massacred on October 7th. Rai must apologize because some have spread false propaganda.”

Instead, he shares Ghali’s appeal Nicola Fratoianni “For courage and truth,” writes the national secretary of the Italian Left and parliamentarian of the Avs in X.