In Sardinia it is about the election of the region’s new governor, whose name will be announced tomorrow. Voting is only possible today, until 10 p.m. Around one and a half million voters are called upon to decide on their successor Christian Solinas and to renew the regional council. However, the counting of ballots begins on Monday at 7 p.m.

Turn out

Increasing voter turnout in the first survey of the only day of consultation. At age 12, the voter share reached 18.4%, compared to 16.57% five years ago. A value that even exceeds that of the 2014 elections, when 14.5% of those eligible to vote voted. In absolute numbers, 266,052 voters out of 1,447,753 voters went to the polls. In the city of Cagliari alone, the capital of Sardinia, 20.51% of those eligible to vote voted. In 2019, the final voter turnout was 53.77%, i.e. 790,709 voters out of 1,470,401 eligible voters.

The 4 gubernatorial candidates

Four candidates are competing for the position of president of the region: in alphabetical order Lucia Chessa with the autonomous list Sardigna R-existe, Renato Soru whereby the Sardinian coalition consists of five lists, Alessandra Todde for the wide traction field Pd-M5S, which combines 10 lists and the Melonian Paolo Truzzu for the center-right with nine lists. All four voted in the morning.

How to vote

They also vote for the renewal of the Sardinian Legislative Assembly with the same green ballot paper and the name of the candidate for the city council. A double gender preference is also provided: in this case, two names of prospective council members of different genders must be included in the same list. In addition, separate voting is permitted, that is, expressing a preference for a list (and, if applicable, the name of a Council member) and for a presidential candidate that are not related to each other.

The numbers

1,447,761 Sardinians are called to vote: 709,840 are men and 737,921 are women. The total data also includes the 112,221 voters residing outside Sardinia (registered with the Aire), of which 59,476 are men and 52,745. There are 1844 constituencies, in which the island is divided into 8 constituencies (Cagliari, Medio Campidano, Carbonia – Iglesias, Oristano, Nuoro, Ogliastra, Sassari and Olbia-Tempio). There are 1416 prospective council candidates, divided into 26 lists with 58 available places out of 60, which will constitute the seventeenth legislative period of the Regional Council of Sardinia. The other two seats will be filled by the gubernatorial candidate who emerges victorious and his challenger who comes second.