The 159,000 households with members of working age between 18 and 59 who have been informed of the suspension of the basic income can submit an application to the employment offices. Another 88,000 families”fragile”However, measures have already been introduced for the evaluation of social services. This is according to the Department of Labor press release issued today, Tuesday 1 August, on the transition phase from Citizenship Income to the two new assistance instrumentsinclusion test and the training and employment support.

Regions: not aware of platform capabilities

meanwhile inencounter At today’s Ministry of Labor meeting, the regions presented some critical points about the Labor Decree and, by extension, the new support measures that will replace the Citizenship Income. In particular, the governors have reported that they “have not yet been informed of the features and functionality” of the Siisl platform, where registration is required in order to be able to claim the inclusion allowance. In addition, the regions suggest considering a “transition mode” in case a “non-functionality” of the platform is identified. The Ministry of Labor has confirmed to the regions that the Siisl platform, a tool for managing training and employment promotion, will be regularly active from September 1st.

Calderone, for Fragile Social Services in the Workplace

At the end of the meeting, the ministry announced that for the 88,000 coresIn addition to the 159,000 listeners who are in a state of fragility, social services have already initiated “the phase of post-acquisition multidimensional assessment from the first days of July”. The ministry then explained again that this target group will start receiving the inclusion allowance from January 2024 after a transition phase in which they will continue to receive the basic income. In order to expedite as much as possible the take-up of all to become potential beneficiaries of the new measures, the Department of Labor is closely monitoring the strengthening of the local network of employment centres, a goal which perfectly aligns with the programme’s focus Pnrr of the Ministry of Labour. Another meeting will be called in the coming days.