MILAN – “Public work is waiting for the renewal of the contract and this budget law can provide answers in this sense.” This is how the unions of the Palestinian Authority react to the absence of the issue of the contract extension for public employees in the discussions about the next maneuver: the economic difficulties , in which the government acts, it is said republic In the last few days they are making it virtually impossible to raise the required 8 billion.

The Secretaries General of Fp Cgil (Serena Sorrentino) Cisl Fp (Maurizio Petriccioli), Uil Fpl (Domenico Proietti) e UilPa (Sandro Colombi), who recalls that the confederal unions account for more than two-thirds of the certified representation in public administration, however they ask for admission. “Inflation has weakened wage packages for all public and private jobs, but while contracts are being renewed in the private sector, in the public sector we have not yet had discussions with Minister Zangrillo to understand how the government intends to respond to the 2022 renewal /24. This budget law is the last of the three-year reference period and to date we unfortunately have to state that the budget law 2022 (art. 1, paragraph 330 of law 197/22) only provided for 2023 a one-time accessory fee in the amount of 1.5% of the salary, an item that is no longer paid according to the law.” A compensation that costs around one and a half billion and must be refinanced in any case.

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“With the Ipca at 6.7% (the index that measures contract renewal inflation), ed) and inflation, which undermines the purchasing power of wages, it cannot be assumed that workers in state administrations, law enforcement, local authorities and health care are not paid adequately,” the unions continue.

“Furthermore, according to the secretaries-general of the associations, the strictness that still applies to the top-up salary caps makes it impossible to improve workplace negotiations and productivity, ensure that administrative resources can be increased and, in this way, improve professionalism , increasing specific allowances, increasing the value of remuneration for positions and tasks, as well as all those points that can recognize inconvenience, overtime and night shifts for public staff who, unlike private individuals, do not even benefit from the reduction in productivity tax.”

“We are waiting for the minister’s request to have a discussion before the budget law. If we do this later, we would have to tell the union that the decisions have already been made. We will activate workers’ participation in the discussion on the extension of the contract” and if there are no answers, we are ready to mobilize”, concluded Secretary Generals Sorrentino, Petriccioli, Proietti and Colombi.

Repubblica reminded that the accounts with the past still have to be settled. In order to pool the resources of the previous round (2019-2021), four budget laws were needed and they still need to be finalized: “We have the management left,” declared the President of Aran (the agency that deals with public negotiations) , Anthony naddeo – In terms of medical management, we’re on the home stretch, see you on September 5th. For the education and research sector and the municipalities, we are still waiting for the guidelines from the respective ministries.”