ROME – Michele Santoro is running for the European elections. He will do this with his “Peace, Land, Dignity” movement, created with the aim of bringing together the demands of Italian pacifism with a view to the meeting on June 8-9. A list – as the former Rai moderator calls it – is aimed at all people who “don’t believe in war”.

Santoro therefore officially enters the field. His candidacy was in the air. He presented the list just a few days ago, but left the question of his candidacy open. The journalist, an MEP elected with the center-left party in 2004, will present himself as list leader together with the journalist and popularizer in all constituencies Benedetta Sabene and to the former left-wing senator Raniero La Valle. With them also the professor Angelo d’Orsi And Ginevra Bompiani in the North West constituency, Fiammetta Cucurnia in the Northeast, Maurizio Acerbo of the Communist Refoundation in the South Constituency and cartoonist Vauro Senesi Downtown.

“We consider ourselves deserters,” Santoro said during the conference called to present the candidacies. “We are addressing people who do not feel represented by a party, those voters who have distanced themselves from the election.” However, everything depends on the question of subscriptions: “We only have a very few days to collect signatures “, he admitted. In fact, to compete, the movement needs to raise at least 150,000. Hence the need to act as a frontman.

The aim of the movement is to bring together the different souls of Italian pacifism: from left-wing intellectuals to pro-Palestinian movements; from democratic Catholics to supporters of the campaigns against the CPR. But, emphasizes Santoro, “we are not a left-wing list and above all we do not want to set it up again”. The main theme is rather that of peace: for a Europe that “rejects war and colonialism”. The program puts a stop to arms sales to Ukraine and a ceasefire in Gaza at the top of the goals to be brought to Brussels. “We were unable to agree on these issues,” emphasized Acerbo. “But our program also addresses social and environmental justice.”

Many of those chosen addressed themselves Pope Francis (“The criticism directed against him is absurd”). There was just as much distancing from other progressive forces, especially the Pd: “Elly Schlein he is not an enemy,” he added. And again: “We do not see the M5 as a competitor.” However, one thing is crucial, says Santoro: “We have a much more radical position on peace.” We would never have voted for the Red Sea mission.”