BOLOGNA – Pier Luigi Bersani says it almost in a whisper: “I don’t want to give Elly Schlein advice on running in all constituencies for the European elections, but from my experience I think that our people are not very interested in personalization… it works “It’s more about a principle of coherence in the decision.” Bersani thus joins the list of those (from Romano Prodi to Stefano Bonaccini) who tried to dissuade Schlein from doing so, in all constituencies, albeit in very gentle tones the EU to put everything on his candidacy. The former PD boss, who is making himself available in Bologna as a testimonial at the Festa dell’Unità 2024, for the first time not at its traditional location in the Parco Nord, but does not push for the candidacy of the democrat EU boss: “Decide, that she believes what she believes.” Besides, Meloni decides at the last minute and no one tells her anything. I think Schlein will do the same.

Bersani is trying to dampen the debate that is engulfing the center-left and the Democratic Party on the eve of the European elections. He does that too, revealing a bit of annoyance: “For the European elections, we can’t just talk about candidacies. Europe is work, social rights, welfare. That means voting for Europe, not just names.” The former Democratic secretary does not hide his concern because the center-left continues to fail to form a common front against the right. “We all need to remember that we have already experienced it at least twice in the last century, in 1919 and 1994,” he explains. “I don’t want to make absurd comparisons between the rise of fascism and the first victory” of the center-right party with Silvio Berlusconi, “but in both cases the fact that the alternative forces could not agree gave us twenty unpleasant years in different but not pleasant forms.” If you don’t feel this responsibility, we can rest, boys, because these guys are not joking, they are moving forward.” Bersani is therefore attracting the ears of the Democratic Party and the M5S, also in the fight for Rai on different lines: “We have to get it in our heads that there is a right-right, and that is why the opposition cannot comb through the puppets of the controversy.” back: “You were also a member of the Democratic Party “, “And you said ‘Fuck you’ with 5 stars”. Do you want me not to know? But it’s time to end it. In an interview with Schlein, Bersani recommended the Democratic Party: “We have to help them, because we are not facing a ‘transition’ from one generation to the next, but rather a ‘leap’.” So bridges are needed. We need people to pitch in.”

The former Democratic leader also took the opportunity to talk about Città 30, a measure by Matteo Lepore’s Bologna City Council that was targeted for a week by Transport Minister Matteo Salvini: “I came here by train. All trains in Italy are late. The transport minister should think about doing his job here. It’s about autonomy and then doesn’t even give cities the freedom to decide their own speed limits.”