Pnrr, meeting in Brussels. Fit: “Very good.” The EU: “Constructive climate”

The construction site for updating the Pnrr, the Italian national recovery and resilience plan worth 191.5 billion (of which 69 are grants and the rest are repayable loans), is starting again. Minister Raffaele Fitto flew to Brussels to meet the head of the Recovery Task Force, Celine Gauer. “The Commission services had a meeting with […]

El-Erian: “Italy is at great risk due to the crisis in China and Germany. The aim is to modernize companies”

CERNOBBIO – “Italy is at great risk at this moment of disarray in some of the country’s most important economies. It is more necessary than ever that you find within it the strength, coherence and planning ability to recover.” Mohamed El ErianPresident of Queen’s College From Cambridge (“the one in England, the only Cambridge there […]

Inflation slows in August: 5.5%. Coldiretti: “Yields decimated, vegetables up 20%”

MILAN – Italian inflation continues to decelerate, although remaining at very high levels and far from the fateful 2% that is the ECB’s target. After the German data, which showed prices to be even hotter than expected, Istat saw a slightly stronger-than-expected decline. In August The national index of consumer prices for the whole Community […]

PA unions: “We will not cancel the contract. The minister is calling us”

MILAN – “Public work is waiting for the renewal of the contract and this budget law can provide answers in this sense.” This is how the unions of the Palestinian Authority react to the absence of the issue of the contract extension for public employees in the discussions about the next maneuver: the economic difficulties […]

China wants to strengthen markets: taxes on stock exchange transactions are reduced

MILAN – Beijing, which is grappling with an economic slowdown that could threaten financial stability – as recently demonstrated by the case of Zhongrong Financial Group (which is unable to satisfy its creditors because it is in the real estate sector) – is playing the Fiscal card out to attract capital. It will do so […]

Powell’s Warning: “Inflation Still Too High.” Fed Remains Committed to Cooling Prices but Says “Caution”

Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve Chairman, warns the market: Efforts to contain the price fire are still ongoing because the economy is “not cooling as expected”. Speech at the symposium Jackson HolePowell faces a crucial period: how much more tightening and how long can the inflation chapter be closed without doing too much damage to […]

The Moscow Stock Exchange at pre-war levels. But for Putin, it’s a temporary victory

As Russia intensifies its military operations, it is trying to salvage its economy caught between the ruble crisis and increasing international isolation. The Moscow Stock Exchange, after four straight positive sessions with gains in the range of 3-4% per session, has reached pre-invasion levels, although it ended with a slight loss. It’s all about pushing […]

Musk on X (ex Twitter): “There are no big social networks. We may fail, but we will do our best.”

MILAN – It is not often that an entrepreneur calmly awaits the bankruptcy of his company. But with Elon Musk In the middle, the canons of tradition certainly have relative weight. The owner of Platform Musk wrote down The sad truth is that there are currently no great “social networks”. We may fail, as so […]

The reports on the climate on the economy. The heat is drying up the Panama Canal: blueberries and oil are queuing, transport costs are rising

The Panama Canal is dry. It is still possible to cross it, but the drought in July, the hottest month on record, made it possible forced the basin authorities to reduce the number of vessels using it daily as the Atlantic-Pacific highway. The Central American country is one of the rainiest in the world and […]

Rome’s 5G will speak Canadian. Boldyn Networks is crowding out the telecom giants

The Canadian Boldyn Networks, managed in Italy by Luca Lucianiwins the tender for 5g del Municipality of Rome. Despite the Vodafone, Wind, Tim and Iliad-sponsored appeal to the Tar and antitrust law, on August 2 the mayor Robert Gualtieri actually granted one project financingIt took 25 years to equip the capital’s 100 large squares with […]