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Pnrr, meeting in Brussels. Fit: “Very good.” The EU: “Constructive climate”

The construction site for updating the Pnrr, the Italian national recovery and resilience plan worth 191.5 billion (of which 69 are grants and the rest are repayable loans), is starting again. Minister Raffaele Fitto flew to Brussels to meet the head of the Recovery Task Force, Celine Gauer. “The Commission services had a meeting with […]

Football, AC Milan players’ anti-Juve chants ended up under the lens of FIGC prosecutors

Copy The video released by some AC Milan players, showing the Rossoneri singing anti-Juve chants on the way to the airport after beating Roma after beating Roma, has been investigated by the Federcalcio prosecutor. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office, headed by Giuseppe Chinè, wants to determine any violations of […]

Long Covid, so the virus triggers the (wrong) immune response to the heart cells

The human body is really fascinating. It hides in the labyrinth of its secrets very efficient systems for recognizing the “self” or the body’s own cells. Thanks to them, the defense mechanisms against these cells cannot be overridden. But sometimes it happens that a disturbance changes this balance. And the problems of autoimmune diseases can […]

El-Erian: “Italy is at great risk due to the crisis in China and Germany. The aim is to modernize companies”

CERNOBBIO – “Italy is at great risk at this moment of disarray in some of the country’s most important economies. It is more necessary than ever that you find within it the strength, coherence and planning ability to recover.” Mohamed El ErianPresident of Queen’s College From Cambridge (“the one in England, the only Cambridge there […]

Lazio coach Maurizio Sarri gives the Napoli fans the middle finger

Copy Bad episode at Naples Central Station, where Lazio arrived on the eve of the Maradona match against the Italian champions. Lazio manager Maurizio Sarri – who coached Napoli from 2015 to 2018 – addressed the raised middle finger gesture to some fans of the home team. There […]

Covid, WHO: Eris variant widespread. A few more data on Pirola

Eris (EG.5) is now the world’s predominant Covid variant: in fact, it reached 26.1% of total infections in the week of August 7-13, overtaking Arturo (22.7% in the same week) and becoming the most spread worldwide. “Unclassified” for the time being Pirola (BA.2.86), the heavily mutated newcomer for which there are still too few deposited […]

Inflation slows in August: 5.5%. Coldiretti: “Yields decimated, vegetables up 20%”

MILAN – Italian inflation continues to decelerate, although remaining at very high levels and far from the fateful 2% that is the ECB’s target. After the German data, which showed prices to be even hotter than expected, Istat saw a slightly stronger-than-expected decline. In August The national index of consumer prices for the whole Community […]

Meloni in Caivano: “Radical Reclamation”. But the neighborhood turns away from her

CAIVANO — An extensive program. He asks for trust and assures that “the government shows its face in this fight”. You will act “on several fronts, security and social security,” he assures Giorgia Meloni. What aligns “all institutions”. But all around her, the green park lowers the blinds, she doesn’t believe it anymore, she turns […]