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Die heutigen Aktienmärkte, 24. Januar. Positivlisten der EU. Hera, 4,4 Milliarden Investitionsplan. Bitcoin, die große Erkältung nach dem Start von ETFs

MAILAND – Situation ohne besondere Schocks an den Aktienmärkten, die in Europa auch nach der Veröffentlichung von weiterhin im Aufwind sind PMI-Indizes im verarbeitenden Gewerbe höher als erwartet und warten auf die morgige EZB-Sitzung und Hinweise auf den geldpolitischen Kurs. Tokio schließt niedriger und die Staatsanleiherenditen steigen, nachdem einige Kommentare der Zentralbank von den Märkten […]

The school of justice, the CSM splits, the secular and dressed right abstains from Sciarra

ROME – At the CSM, the votes for the Higher School of the Magistracy are once again being won by parties and not by merit. Seven city councilors to choose from, six professional and one layman, and now months of very heated conflicts and controversies. With the clear aim of the secular center-right council members […]

Riva, the missed Ballon d’Or and that joke from Rivera were rewarded in his Cagliari calcio

Gigi Riva it was – among other things – also a missed Ballon d’Or. In his best years – from 1967 to 1970 – he ended up in the ranking four times in four consecutive years, but the competition was terrible – these were the years of George Best and Bobby Charlton, among the chosen […]

Bags today, January 22nd. The spread reaches under 150 points

MILAN – European stock markets slowed in the middle of the day, dissipating the boost they received from a Wall Street that hit new records on Friday and breaking a fast from highs that had lasted 500 sessions. A record reached almost by inertia, considering stocks have made only modest gains over the last month: […]

After the storm over the parallel between the Shoah and Gaza, President Anpi resigns

Farewell to the ANPI after over 30 years of militancy. The decision of the Anpi of Bagno a Ripoli to organize the day of remembrance on January 27, an initiative that compared the Holocaust to the “genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli army,” continues to raise eyebrows. After the uprising of the […]

Djaló ends up at Juventus: who is the defender who comes from Lille?

The second Italian life of Tiago DjaloPortuguese defender escaped Juventus After Lille and the competition from Inter, it began with the departure of the private jet to Turin, while his new team was on the pitch in Lecce. He started as a pursuer and ended up as a leader in Caselle: the visits to J […]

Does speaking multiple languages ​​reduce the risk of dementia?

It has now been proven that a low level of education is a risk factor for the development of various forms of dementia. The problem is related to the concept of cognitive reserve, which is the ability of the brain to adapt and continue to function at full capacity despite age-related physiological changes. And according […]

Confindustria’s alarm: “New risks in 2024, the crisis in the Red Sea weighs heavily”

MILAN – The year 2024 begins with the motto “new risks” for the economy. This is highlighted by the Confindustria study center in its monthly analysis Congiuntura Flash. Risks – explains the CSC – “due to the sharp decrease in transits in the Suez Canal due to the attacks of the Yemeni Houti group. The […]